Project Manager Skills List and Examples

Project manager skills

Jiaqi Zhou / The Balance 

For any kind of project, whether it's releasing an app, building a bridge, or creating an ad campaign, having a project manager in place is essential to ensure the project launches on time, within the budget, and meets expectations. 

Project managers are organizational masterminds who create plans and schedules and keep projects on track.

It's a role that's needed in nearly every industry. For example, an architecture company will use project managers to handle the development of a new building, while a shampoo company may need one to launch a new product.

Learn more about this in-demand role, and the skills it calls for. 

What Are Project Manager Skills? 

Project managers need a variety of skills to plan, procure, and execute a project, making sure everything is on track and that everyone involved is working to their full potential.

If there are any issues, delays, or problems, the project manager is the point person to work with the client or company to review how to fix those issues. They are not involved in the hands-on work but instead make sure progress is being made and keep everyone on task.

Top Project Manager Skills

Project managers streamline processes, manage the work of dozens or even hundreds of people, and keep production on schedule. The job requires extensive soft skills, including communication and organization, to succeed. 

Here are some of the top skills necessary to be successful: 


Project managers spend most of their time communicating with staff, reporting progress or problems to clients, or negotiating with vendors. Verbal and written communication skills are key to success.

Project managers may be called on often to give presentations, so it is important to be comfortable using presentation software and speaking in front of large groups of people. Plus, project managers can take on a bit of a cheerleader role, helping to motivate colleagues and keep different teams working together smoothly. 

Some examples of the specific communication skills this role calls for: 

  • Presentation Skills
  • Written Communication (Emailing, Reports, and so on) 
  • Verbal Communication 
  • Active Listening 
  • Ability to Clarify and Paraphrase 
  • Stress Tolerance
  • Conflict Management 
  • Nonverbal Communication (Empathy, Friendliness, Motivation, etc.) 


The ability to lead and motivate a team is critical to furthering any project. Project managers need to resolve personality conflicts and boost team spirit while also guarding against late or sloppy work. Some of the specific in-demand leadership skills the role calls for include: 

  • Motivation 
  • Team Building 
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Relationship Building 
  • Scheduling 
  • Critical Thinking 
  • Decision Making 
  • Displaying Good Judgment 
  • Problem Solving 


To work effectively, managing people is essential. From delegating work to holding individuals accountable, it's a project manager's responsibility to set goals, evaluate performance, and encourage collaboration. When it comes to managing people, some of the required skills include: 

  • Coaching 
  • Collaboration
  • Delegating
  • Organizing 
  • Planning 
  • Coordinating 


Project managers will negotiate with clients on an appropriate schedule and scope of work. They will bargain for certain resources and manpower. Knowing how to negotiate to get what they need to succeed and keep everyone involved satisfied is a skill developed and improved through experience.


Project managers are unlikely to be successful if they are sloppy or forgetful. Because they are juggling so many different aspects, they need to be organized in both their professional and personal lives. It's important for project managers to develop an organizational system, whether it's an electronic note-taker or a paper planner, to keep all of the details on top of mind. This may involve being skilled with 

  • Calendars
  • Project Management Software
  • Schedules 
  • Time Management 

Problem Solving

Issues that need attention regularly come up for project managers, and it's their duty to predict potential problems in advance and brainstorm solutions in case these issues arise. Having backup plans and alternatives available can prevent costly delays and keep work on track. Most risks are not urgent if they are anticipated. 

However, not every issue can be predicted, so it's also important for project managers to nimbly deal with unexpected problems and make sure that minor issues do not turn into major setbacks.


All projects are going to have a fixed amount of funding available to them. It's a project manager's responsibility to develop a budget for that money and make sure it is being followed closely. This is a skill that requires experience.

Only with time spent working on large projects can managers develop the knowledge necessary to know where costs likely will mount and where savings can be found.

How to Make Your Skills Stand Out

ADD RELEVANT SKILLS TO YOUR RESUME: Take a look at the job advertisements for project managers, and see which skills are frequently mentioned. This will help you know precisely which skills you should emphasize in your resume. 

HIGHLIGHT SKILLS IN YOUR COVER LETTER: Elaborate on essential project manager skills—such as problem-solving and organization—within your cover letter. For example, you might share how you resolved a production snag that might have put a project behind schedule. 

USE SKILL WORDS IN YOUR JOB INTERVIEW: Finally, make sure to be prepared with examples of how you've shown key project manager skills during your job interview.