Letters of Appreciation to Team Members

This illustration shows how to write a letter of appreciation to your team members including to thank them for their work, discuss the possibility of bonuses or promotions, mention how they helped the team, acknowledge their unique skills and experience.

Katie Kerpel / The Balance

It’s always a good practice to recognize the efforts of your team members. Communicating with the people who lend you a hand is one of the best ways to strengthen your work relationships and build your network. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and most people do their best work when they feel a level of personal satisfaction.

What's the best way to let your team know that they are appreciated? One of the quickest and easiest ways is to write a letter of appreciation to your team members when they do something outstanding. Your letter can be sent via mail or email and should express your thanks for a job well done.

How to Relay Your Thanks

The size of your company, your relationship with the team members and team leader, and the scope of the project can all affect how you choose to send your letter, note, or email, or otherwise show your gratitude to your employees.

Sending a written note has the advantage of providing the recipient with a hard copy of the letter. A handwritten note can add a personal touch that means something special to the recipient.

Sending the message by email will get it there immediately, and the note can also be copied to supervisors or human resources (HR) managers who may want a record for the employee’s file. 

What to Include in Your Letter

In your letter of appreciation, be specific about your team member's contribution to a project.

  • Recognize the skills and experiences the person used to assist with the project and mention how they helped the team accomplish their goals.
  • Thank them for the time and effort they shared.
  • You can also mention that their willingness to help will be brought to the attention of upper management.

While most people are willing to help another team when they can, letting them know that their efforts will be noted to the people making wage, bonus, and promotion decisions will provide them with a tangible token of appreciation for their efforts.

Sample Appreciation Letters

Here are some sample appreciation letters and messages for a team member at work. Use these examples to get ideas for what to include in your own letters.

Formal Appreciation Letter Example

A formal business letter should be formatted with the contact names and addresses at the beginning of the letter, as well as with a handwritten signature above your typed name at the close.

Sample Appreciation Letter to Team Member

Your Name
City, State Zip Code


Firstname Lastname
City State Zip Code

Dear Firstname,

Thank you very much for meeting with me yesterday regarding our current social media marketing project. I really appreciate your insight into streamlining the implementation plan. I am looking forward to incorporating your suggestions into our timeline.

It is really helpful to have someone who has had experience with similar market parameters assist with this undertaking. I appreciate your advice and your numerous valuable contributions as a part of our team.

Best regards,

Your Written Signature (hard copy letter)

Your Typed Name

Appreciation Note Example

A note card is a less formal way to show your appreciation to a team member. A handwritten note should contain the date on the card before the salutation.

Sample Appreciation Note to a Team Member


Dear Firstname,

I really appreciate your taking the time to help us get started on our year-end inventory. It was so helpful to have someone who has been through the whole process before to guide the newer employees through the procedure.

Your experience made everything go so much smoother, and we are already noting improved accuracy in our numbers due to your input.


Your name

Appreciation Email Example

Sending an email is the quickest and easiest way to let your team know you appreciate their efforts. You might want to copy the person’s supervisor and upper management, as well. If you are sending an email message, the subject line of the message can simply say thank you.

Sample Appreciation Email to a Team Member

Subject Line: Thank You

Dear Firstname,

I would like to thank you and your team for the work you have put in over the last month on the proposal for the expansion of our building. You have put together a thorough and well-researched presentation, and I am looking forward to sharing it with the regional executives when they arrive next week.

Please express my sincere thanks to the rest of your team. I will be updating and thanking them all individually after your presentation to the executives. We should have feedback and a decision on moving forward with the project by the first of the month.

Best regards,

Your Name

cc: Supervisor, Regional Manager